kalau kamu datang ke melbourne pada tahun 1940-an, Port Melbourne adalah tempat pertama di mana kaki kamu akan jejak, bukan di Melbourne's Airport, he he...
sekian. jika berkesempatan, mahu saja ambil gambar-gambar di Beacon Cove, Garden City dan di hujung Nott Street. Beacon Cove adalah kawasan mewah, kontra dengan Garden City dan kawasan hujung Nott Street yang sayu, sunyi, diam, tenang dan bertaman hijau. tempat-tempat kesukaan saya ;). ada juga kawasan-kawasan antara dua tempat kontra ini yang merupakan kawasan perumahan moden namun masih punya ciri-ciri sederhana dan hijau, dekat juga dengan laut. sesuai untuk keluarga dan semua peringkat umur. dakara, rasa-rasanya tempat-tempat ini sangat mahal sebab dekat dengan laut. cuacanya sentiasa baik dan kurang ekstrim.
dan tempat ini accessible dari Collins Street, the heart of Melbourne, tempat di mana segala urusan business, commerce and consultancy melibatkan syarikat-syarikat dan bank-bank gergasi dunia beroperasi (bertumpu di 101 Collins Street).
sorewa, diversity ini sebenarnya amat mengagumkan. seperti sebuah negeri kecil yang punya segalanya. fantastic architecture and city planning, walaupun setiap kawasan punya sejarah hitam sendiri,
masa tetap akan berjalan.
australia does have crazily blue skies right?Its funny coz pictures seem almost photoshop, but we're fortunate to be able to see them upclose.See the skies breathe and the wind sing.
yeah. and you know why? its because the location of Australia which is on the mid-latitudes is not as warm as in the tropics, and where it is warm ie the tropics, more convection going on and more clouds can be formed, therefore the skies look less blue. unlike Melbourne, the clouds are less due to less convection of hot air rising to the upper atmosphere, so the weather system doesnt form as much clouds. that's why its clearer and 'bluer' here, hehe...but beyond the scientific explanation, it's still as amazing. like paintings on a canvas, but its 3D. magnificent are His creations, of course.
but, yeah. i like the phrase 'crazily blue'. its just incredible without you actually experiencing it yourself. and being one of them who are fortunate, im more than thankful. thanks to Him ;)
i want to go to Port Melbourne again. and look closely again. and see the flowers blooming, the brick english-cottage-like houses on the streets, getting some inspirations.
i think it'll worth it. so im looking forward for my own next trip. ;)
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