Friday, 28 September 2007

tsuyoku, with Him

mama, what makes a life complete?
religion and education

so, a life can actually be complete? i am scared when i think about what will happen in the future.
kenapa perlu risau pasal masa depan. do what you need to do today. but make plans for tomorrow. jangan risau kalau esok atau lusa dunia perang atau kiamat. yang penting, do what u need to do. beramal dan bekerja.

what about dreams? can't i have dreams? hopes? ambitions? are all of them categorized under plans for tomorrow? what can i do? what can't i do?
berpegang teguh dengan tali Allah, matlamat hidup insan nak cari kesenangan dan kebahagiaan. cita-cita, impian, keinginan cuma sebagai penentu arah. jangan keliru. yong, ma dah pesan kan. bila keliru, resah gelisah, munajatlah pada Allah. banyakkan zikir, pasti kamu akan tenang.

memang, tapi there are things that i need to clarify so that i will gain understanding. because these things come again and again...i hate people who change and forget about the past. because what makes me who i am today was built since past, and i don't agree that there were some parts of my life that are sia-sia.
tak perlu kamu bergantung pada apa orang lain fikir sebab bila kita susah tak ramai yang nak ambil tau dan bantu. just believe what makes you happy. masing-masing kita ada buku cerita sendiri. all of us are different coz Allah creates us like that.

which means, if others do that, that doesn't mean i have to do that too, isn't it? then, i should hold on to what makes me happy and live for today, make plans for tomorrow and never lose hope, right?
yup, coz you know who and what you are and you believe in yourself, know what you want. jangan jadi anak bapa dan keldai.

i don't want to think about the future that's full of uncertainties. i want to live my life for today. i want to cherish everything that i am having and do my best. i don't want to think about results. i just want to carry out my beliefs and work towards them. mama, please pray for me.
insyaAllah, always will.

thank you, arigato, shey shey ni, dankeschun, syukran, terima kasih...;-)
no probs, just take care k. wassalam. love you.

take care and love you too. salaam...

mama, always know how to explain things to me so that i understand. so i told her:

mama, tadi ada orang cakap qilah bertuah sebab walaupun abah dah tak ada tapi qilah ada mama yang kalau apa-apa, qilah boleh tuju dan mintak tolong. qilah pun rasa macam tu juga. qilah ada family yang baik. syukur pada Dia. mama, arigato!
no probs! think positive, know who and what you are, study your own strength and weaknesses so that NO ONE CAN HURT YOU.

the things that goes through my mind each second, only myself and He knows. and i am struggle through it yet no one understands except for me, mama and abang. i want to have my own pace, so i want to be selective. i am proud of mama, she knows herself best, and never feel that Allah is far from her. i should feel the same, that i always have Him to return to. thank You, Allah. thank You for everything.

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