dan semalam seorang lagi semestian meninggal. arwah seorang budak lelaki form 3. innalillah. 2 deaths in less than a week..i told him 'please and do take care, because im not that strong to face anymore of these'. and i wish to say that to everyone i know, especially the ones that i love.
please, do take care. please.
still His wishes are more powerful than mine. some prayers are just not answered. and He said that if He doesnt answer that means He has better plans for us.
and that we should hold on. appreciate everything we have and work hard.
im trying. im trying.
p/s: alfatihah.
salam qila..
jr kite meninggal?
err..mama xcte plak..
qila..kamu tau ak paranoid dgn kematian skrg.impaknya kematian paah yg sebaya dgn kite.entah,ak rase mana2 ak pergi malaikat maut ikut ak.bersedia bila2 je nak amek aku.menggeletar ak qila..
Allah! innalillah.. siape?
arwah abd muin, form 3..budak sigma..
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