Wednesday, 18 November 2009

i insist that i'm still okay, because it's true

i gazed at the clock at the far right end side of my laptop as the cicadas started to sing. 'it's only 6pm,' i threw my face towards the window, looking out into space, just to find nothing. no birds were flying past my windows at that time.

i never really liked the pills. somehow i feel it messes up with my digestion system; so i usually take them around afternoon or after i have my dinner. but lately i have become easily tired. it was quite unfathomable.

i may not eat a lot, but i still had the energy to suffice my weekly exercise, unlike now. perhaps more specifically since this year's winter. i cannot even count how many pills i had to take this year, and until now still. two vitamin C and 6 vitamin D tablets everyday? sometimes i feel like vomiting them out.

and now the sleepless nights? and the back of my neck and lower back feel painful; perhaps because i stare at the computer and sit still for too long. sometimes shortness of breath especially when i lie down, and when i wake up there's blood in my nose. and i don't feel as energetic anymore.

please, i don't want to go to the clinic or hospital again. please.

perhaps i should stop taking the vitamin D. i think i'll give the cease a try.

-a month to go.


mostlyepiphanies said...

Aqilah makan banyak skit! (eh cakap orang kan diri sendiri kurus)

akira said...

haha~ aijud makan banyak sikit jgk!! :D

mostlyepiphanies said...

Ooh tadi aku timbang berat aku dah naik (sikit). Haha.

akira said...

haha~~ bagus2, bagi naik lagi okayyy..ko lg kurus dari ak jadi kne makan lagi banyak hehe~~

R.A.H.I.M. said...

jge makan 2.. =)

akira said...

okay.. =)

R.A.H.I.M. said...

jgn okay je.. hehe~~

akira said... pas mkn roti..kenyang da hehe~~ jge mkn jge.. =)