Thursday, 16 December 2010

the explosion of a candy factory

i woke up this morning feeling barely sober; and although i'm doing okay i kept on wondering what i would fill up this day with, apart from the obvious of course. i need to increase my adrenalin level again; i havent been shopping for long and i miss watching movies with him and anything related to his presence. the last sane food i ate (from what i can remember) was bubur lambuk which his mother bought from pasar tani and the last picture i scrutinized was a picture of us taken by his younger brother. how, with all my intelligence and brain capacity could i never fully fathom how i ended up with him- someone i have always waited and longing for and with whom, even though i can lay out a thousand things about him i still am learning to know the rest of him which i can never find enough, as well as reasons on how i am here beside him when there are a million other chances that i am not, and im not even tired of missing him a pinch.

ANYWAY. did you know that Malaysia now has a government body called Special Innovation Unit (Unik) and that the machine that we usually see in hospitals which beeps accordingly with a patient's heart beat is called electrocardiography?

there really are serious huge pile of stuffs to learn out here on earth. i feel like making my desk crowded and in mess again. lets lets!

i thank God and mr nordin for this new CPU, it works way better from my old one. i even been teased by seniors for its slow performance; they said my pc is slow like its owner. and when iPerintis personnel had it checked remotely, he asked me how long have i been patient with this underperforming pc. i said to him, '6 months,' and i heard him gasped, so i continued, 'really.'

but then i managed to set up a new CPU which was a relief; i can now do my work much faster and i dont have to wait long for files to open or download.

im now imagining myself wandering around mid valley doing, well, practically nothing; which is for me, an arbitrary to window shopping. i actually went to isetan this afternoon, with an aim to spend/shop on office clothes. however it wasnt achieved- the ones i wanted to buy were all not discounted. i conclude then that contrary to what rahimi said that i know nothing about fashion and brands, my intuition always point me to high-taste styles and wearings, which are at the moment, regrettably, are yet to be affordable.

i'll find those which have styles but are much more reasonable in price, then; usually in a less urban locations.

i am having ADD right now, which i cannot help, and its expanding every minute.

p/s: At-Tirmidzi meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah bersabda, “Ada tiga golongan yang pasti akan ditolong oleh Allah; seorang budak yang ingin menebus dirinya dengan mencicil kepada tuannya, orang yang ingin menikah karena ingin memelihara kesucian, dan pejuang di jalan Allah.”

— HR. At-Tirmidzi (no. 1352) kitab an-Nikaah, Ibnu Majah (no. 1512) dan dihasankan oleh Syaikh al-Albani dalam al-Misykaah (no. 3089), Shahiih an-Nasa-i (no. 3017), dan Shahiihul Jaami’ (no. 3050). -

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